Fresh On The Shelf

2017-04-16T12:31:56+02:00Categories: The Latest|

#FreshOnTheShelf: Cerebos launches Lite Salt in line with Be Salt Wise campaign Cerebos has launched Cerebos Lite Salt, which contains 65% sodium chloride with 35% potassium chloride, a salt alternative that will allow consumers to make healthy lifestyle choices [...]


2017-04-16T12:31:56+02:00Categories: The Latest|

Fancy a bit of an experiment? Why not prove the hypothesis of salt dampening the bitterness of coffee for yourself? Whether you add it to the grounds or sprinkle it as though it were saffron just prior to serving, salt [...]


2017-04-16T12:31:56+02:00Categories: The Latest|

Humble and unassuming, salt is often taken for granted in the kitchen. It can create an entirely new experience which is even more delightful when paired with another every day food – fruit! In Asia it is not uncommon to [...]

Chocolate & Salt

2017-04-16T12:31:58+02:00Categories: The Latest|

Just when you thought chocolate couldn’t get any better… imagine salt infused chocolate tart tempered with lemongrass ice cream or salted chocolate ganache! Salt and chocolate are a handsome couple which has become increasingly trendy and no wonder – our [...]

Cerebos – A Major Investment

2017-04-16T12:31:59+02:00Categories: The Latest|

CEREBOS announces R85-million relocation and expansion into the CoegalDZ A local investor, CEREBOS Ltd, today announced a R85-million expansion and relocation project into the Coega Industrial Development Zone, which will see the company remaining in the Nelson Mandela Metro, retaining [...]


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